shell ginger การใช้
- Shell gingers in three-inch pots are priced from $ 10.
- Shell gingers bloom only in spring and summer following winters without freezes.
- A : The ginger in the photo you sent is shell ginger ( Alpinia zerumbet ).
- The ginger you have is a variegated form of the shell ginger, " Alpinia zerumbet ."
- The shell gingers ( Alpinia zerumbet ) will only flower on growth that survives winter undamaged by cold weather.
- The shell gingers, for example, have angled grasslike foliage, but are " tough as nails and easy to grow,"
- However, if you by chance have the shell ginger, it will bloom only on stems that go through a winter without freeze damage.
- The shell ginger produces highly fragrant, large cascading clusters of flowers in late spring and summer when the foliage is not frozen back in winter.
- There's no overlooking the commanding 6-to 12-foot canes of the Alpinias, or shell gingers, with their handsome, tapered leaves.
- All will grow in filtered sunlight, but some ( shell gingers ) tolerate more direct sun when established, while others ( peacocks ) will burn in scorching summer sun.
- Shell gingers will die back during freezing weather, but the broad, tapered foliage on canelike stems reappears each spring and can easily reach 8 feet or more in height given several warm months.
- "Alpinia zerumbet " is called a " shell ginger " or " shell flower " most commonly, because its individual pink flowers, especially when in bud, resemble sea shells.
- Although shell gingers won't bloom following a winter with freezing temperatures, the lush, new foliage that pops up in spring makes an attractive accent or screen, if the clump is allowed to expand.
- Notables in this group include the purple ladder ginger ( Alpinia luteocarpa ), with its thickly clumped stems and slender leaves with maroon-red undersides, and the variegated shell ginger ( Alpinia sanderae variegata ) whose narrow leaves, which can reach to two feet, are white and green with white margins.